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Umbrella Vs Limited

Not sure what option is best for you? below we have explained in the simplest form the difference when contracting under Umbrella PAYE vs Limited. 

Umbrella PAYE

  • Umbrella PAYE is a type of employment model where a third-party company (the "umbrella company") acts as an employer for temporary workers or contractors.

  • Under this model, the umbrella company takes care of all administrative tasks related to employment, such as payroll processing, tax deductions, and National Insurance contributions.

  • The workers are then paid by the umbrella company through PAYE (Pay As You Earn), a system used by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in the UK to collect income tax and National Insurance contributions from employees' pay.

  • The umbrella company charges a fee for their services, which is typically a percentage of the worker's income.



Limited Company

  • A limited company is a type of business structure where the company is a separate legal entity from its owners, which means the owners (also known as shareholders) have limited liability for the company's debts and obligations.

  • A limited company can be set up by an individual or group of individuals, who become the shareholders of the company.

  • Under this model, the limited company is responsible for its own administrative tasks, such as payroll processing, tax deductions, and National Insurance contributions.

  • The workers or contractors are hired by the limited company, and they are paid directly by the company as a salary or dividends.

  • The limited company can also provide services to other clients, which can create additional income streams.

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