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Umbrella PAYE

Parrot Pay is an umbrella company that provides Umbrella PAYE services to contractors in the UK. Under this arrangement, a contractor becomes an employee of Parrot Pay, and the company takes care of all payroll-related tasks, including tax and national insurance deductions.

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When a contractor works through Parrot Pay, they submit their timesheets to the company, which then calculates their pay based on the hours worked and deducts the necessary taxes and fees. The company pays the contractor their net salary, after taking care of all the necessary deductions.


In addition to payroll services, Parrot Pay also offers other benefits to its contractor employees, such as employee insurance, access to a pension scheme, and support with claiming expenses.


One of the advantages of using an umbrella company like Parrot Pay is that it provides a simple and straightforward way for contractors to manage their finances while also ensuring compliance with UK tax laws and regulations.


By taking care of all the necessary payroll tasks, the contractor can focus on their work without worrying about the administrative burdens of managing their own limited company.


Overall, Umbrella PAYE through Parrot Pay can be a convenient and efficient way for contractors to receive payment for their services while also enjoying additional benefits and support.

Umbrella PAYE

Under umbrella PAYE, the intermediary company handles all administrative tasks related to employment, including payroll processing, tax deductions, and National Insurance contributions. The workers are then paid by the intermediary company through PAYE (Pay As You Earn), a system used by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in the UK to collect income tax and National Insurance contributions from employees' pay.

Limited Company

A limited company is a type of business structure where the company is a separate legal entity from its owners, which means the owners (also known as shareholders) have limited liability for the company's debts and obligations.

Overall, Parrot Pays affiliate company, Freelancer Supermarket  can provide valuable support to limited company owners, helping them to manage their business more effectively and efficiently. Please contact one of the team to be directed to our affiliate site.


We offer a range of insurance options to help protect you and your business, including professional indemnity insurance, public liability insurance, and more.

Training Services

We offer training services that help businesses improve their employees' skills and knowledge in their field, ensuring they have the expertise needed to succeed. Enquire via our contact form on our contact page.


Get in touch with one of our experienced team members.

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